
Onboarding Remote Employees: 10 Best Tips for Managers

For example, explain what the specific Slack channels are used for and what communication styles are usually used. Should the new hires expect a business tone, formal style, or are the conversations more casual? You can go through the chats together and show examples of how your teams communicate. Remote employees have gone from being the exception to becoming a major part of the workforce. In fact, a Gallup survey in June of 2022 found that 8 in 10 people are working hybrid or remote – making them the majority of most companies’ cultures.

However, good organization and strategic use of technologies, such as robotic process automation (RPA) and autofill forms, can trim down the time needed to complete the steps. Over the long term, while a role can evolve, adapt, and become more complex and ambiguous, having clarity from the start will create a foundation from which the individual can more readily adapt. This may be especially true if you were starting a new job in the ambiguity of a virtual environment. According to Boston Consulting Group, a company with effective onboarding practices achieves 2.5 times more revenue growth and 1.9 times the profit margin. And when they do, there’s a good chance the new hire will start their job working remotely. OKRs are one of the best ways to set and measure objectives since they give a sense of direction and purpose for both employees and teams.

Get their setup ready

A report from Glassdoor states retention rates can improve 82 percent with a high-performing onboarding strategy. Encourage your new hires to set specific objectives they would like to achieve in their role, such as mastering a new skill, completing a certification, or taking on additional responsibilities. Our recommendation would be to hold 30-day, 60-day, remote onboarding best practices and 90-day performance reviews to see if you’re new hire is performing, adapting and growing in their role. A good pre-boarding phase also gives you a head start with employee paperwork, as you can request payroll information and personal details for contractual documents. Find out how to source remote talent and onboard remotely to reduce employee churn.

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remote onboarding tips

When you have all your hobbies, entertainment, and sometimes even your family at home with you, staying on task can be a challenge. For new hires who might not know what they should be doing, it’s even easier. Finally, make sure to add them to any email chains, mailing lists, or other communication channels so they never miss an important message. If you’re going to need to order and deliver any equipment, make sure to do it as early as possible.

Provide a central spot for company culture tips + employee documentation

In a remote setting, you need to make enough room for one-on-one time of the new hire with their direct managers to strengthen their relationship from the very start. Of job seekers say they would consider other offers if they didn’t hear from someone at the hiring company between time of offer acceptance and their first day on the job. You don’t know you your coworkers will be or even where the bathroom is, but you’re still looking forward to the things you’ll learn or the opportunities you’ll have. Onboarding refers to the overarching experience of a new employee joining a company. They will spend most of this day completing paperwork, learning about the company, and meeting colleagues. If your culture is social, schedule introduction calls, happy hours, or lunch-and-learns with new hires and employees from across departments.

remote onboarding tips

Complete the following tasks and activities on an ongoing basis after the three-month mark. From this point onward, tasks bolster employee engagement, development, and performance. At this point, the employee should be focusing on completing the necessary training and onboarding materials while getting used to their new environment.

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Create a Checklist for an employee’s First Day

However, before we begin that, let’s quickly go through some of the common challenges professionals face in remote onboarding. After a fully virtual recruiting process, new hires might feel even more uneasy if you aren’t proactively communicating with them before their first day. That’s why pre-boarding should be an essential part of your remote onboarding process. But when working remotely, you don’t usually have the same stresses-–but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy process. When you’re starting off remotely, you can feel disconnected from the team, even if you’re using the proper communication tools.

remote onboarding tips

Teams with remote employees will often be spread across multiple time zones, making it more challenging to coordinate meetings, deadlines, and other time-sensitive workplace activities. The onboarding process can be complicated or delayed if key team members aren’t available at the same time. While your traditional on-site onboarding process might be strong, you’re most likely going to need to make some changes when transitioning to remote onboarding.

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